Implementation Languages for Data Mining

Hereby we will discuss some of the languages those can be used for implementation of Data Mining. First of all I clear that when you are analyzing data Method you use is more important than Language.

R Language :

R is one the most popular language for implementing Data Analysis Techniques. Mostly it is used for Numeric Analysis and Machine Learning Processes. R was introduced in 1990 for Statistical Analysis Implementation. Main advantage to use R for data analysis is Rich Package System and Charting. R has too many packages may be useful for implementing your research work in data analysis.

R has some limitations also like Memory Management, All the Data are loaded in Memory (RAM) for processing so that for large dataset it may have create some issues if you don’t have any technique applied to overcome the same issue. Another issue for R in compare to Pyhon is Speed. When your code mostly depends on Loop then Execution in R Language will take more time than it takes in Python. (Mostly Affected when Long Executed Loop)

Python :

Python is General purpose language, so that you will find packages for all type of research work. So if your work contain not only statistical but general data mining work then Python will be better option. Syntax of Python is more familiar compare to R. Python is founded in 1991. Generally Code is python is smaller compare to C++ or Java. Python has good integration feature so that in can directly call C++,Java etc. code using Jython. Python has also large Support Library that can be useful for implementing your work. Python has also some drawbacks like not proper Data Access Layer like JDBC in Java . Even if you can prefer it for development where complex enterprise data management is not required. (As Python is also Open Source Language, there are so many library that can help you to resolve this limitation is some ways). Easy Assembling is also a good point for selecting Python.


Java is one of the oldest language that is used for Data Mining and Research Work. Main benefit of Java Language is syntax. Java also have some of the libraries those are very useful for Data Mining Work. As Java Supports Web Programming and Application Programming (DeskTop) So integration for both is easy. But Java does not have Modeling Facilities like R and Python for Data Analytics

After discussion we can summaries, if your project has more numerical analysis then R is Good, For General Purpose Python is Good and Java good is for Large System Prototyping . Once again I clarify that Language is secondary matter, method how you analyze the Data is Primary Matter.

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