Network Dissertation Topics

As earlier we have checked dissertation research topics for Machine Learning and Data Mining Below are some of the topics related to WSN and Networking.

MANET Topics

Initial synchronization for multipurpose MANET devices

Data forwarding protocol in named data MANETs

MANET protocols in space operations

Energy-efficient technique for MANETs distributed monitoring

Density and Mobility-Driven Evaluation of Broadcast Algorithms for MANETs

Scrutiny of broadcasting efficiency with and without clustering in Manet

Designing of reliable and optimized multicast routing protocols in MANETS

A dynamic high speed multi-media local area network (MLAN) protocol architecture

Analytical Modeling of Resource Allocation Cellular Networks

Delay Performance in Linear Network for Broadcast

Energy Efficiency in Sensor Network

Anetna Selection Methodology in Radio Networks

Efficient Data Gathering and Estimation for Metropolitan Air Quality Monitoring by Using Vehicular Sensor Networks

Delay-Aware Load Balancing Over Multipath Wireless Networks

Topology Management in Asymmetric Interference Networks

Multi Stage Resource Allocation Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Networks

Real-time Acoustic Ranging in Underwater Sensor Networks

Video Packet Scheduling With Stochastic QoS for Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks

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